
Poultry Genetics Books:

Here are some poultry genetics books:

1. Crawford (1990) Poultry Breeding and Genetics. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
(recent reprint, now available for sale.)

2. Carefoot, W.C. (1986) Creative Poultry Breeding.
(recent reprint 2005, now available for sale. Published by Veronica Mayhew)

3. Jeffrey, F.P. & Richardson, W. (1995) Old English Game Bantams as Bred and Shown in the United States.

4. Jeffrey, F.P. (1976) Bantam Chickens, ABA .

* the second edition (British publication) of the same book is called "Bantam Breeding and Genetics" (1977), Spur publishing, England .

5. Hollander, W.F. (1989) ABC's of Poultry Genetics.

6. Hutt, F (1949) "Genetics of the Fowl"

All of the above book is available online:

The book has been reprinted, now available for sale at:


The first three books are mostly up-to-date, but there were some changes in secondary pattern genes, etc after books 4, 5 & 6 were published.
Some of the out-of-date genes listed in Dr Hollander's book are:
I is listed as "Pyle", but generally called "Dominant White" today,
Gr (Ginger) = Columbian (Co) today,
Nigrum = Extended Black (E) today.

Ab, Lg & Sp are now obsolete (genes Pg, Ml & Db are used instead).

Not all of the E locus alleles are in these books (especially the Hutt book).

So it's best the read the most recent books first ( ie 1, 2 & 3), &/or compare to the genes table at the Sellers Website. There is still plenty of good information in the old books though

There is a recently published poultry genetics book:

Muir and Aggrey (ed) (2003) Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology CABI Publishing.
but this one doesn't have a chapter on plumage colour/pattern genetics. There is information on genetics resistance breeding, etc.

Hartl, Daniel L.
A Primer of Population Genetics
ISBN: 0878933018
(not information on poultry colour/pattern genetics)

(1991) Genetics and Evolution of the Domestic Fowl
by Lewis Stevens

* very little information on colour/pattern genetics

Dr H.S. Gankema, VERERVING VAN VEERKLEUR BIJ HOENDERS (Inheritance of Feather Color in Chickens) .
- in Dutch

Morley A & Jull (1932). Poultry Breeding.


Poultry Genetics Journals:

- British Poultry Science

- Poultry Science


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----Poultry Genetics Discussion Groups/Forums----


The Classroom @ The Coop New Board (Poultry Breeding/Genetics):

The Coop (Old Board archives - not for posting)

yahoo group:

msn group:
http://groups.msn.com/PoultryGenetics (dead link)

OEGBCA forum:

Here are a couple more boards, with genetics forum:

Feather Genetics:

The Poultry Link: (dead link)

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------ Poultry Genetics Websites (not forums)------

There is a whole Poultry Genetics (& poultry evolution) book online, but all in Italian. It is more recent information than "Poultry Breeding & Genetics". Here is the website:

  • Volume 1: Origin of the domestic fowl ( including a chapter on Araucanas)

  • Volume 2: Genetics theory, etc (including a large section on population genetics)

  • Volume 3: Alot of information on colour/pattern genes (plus plenty more topics).

*The genetics information is in volume 3 (includes links to photos)

Free language translation website:

The sellers website has a good table of poultry genes:
http://marsa_sellers.tripod.com/geneticspages/page3.html (restored link)

Dr Wilmer:


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------Poultry Genetics Journals------

Poultry genetics journal abstracts at the PubMed website:


Highwire Press

Poultry Science


------Poultry Breed Websites (with genetics)------

Polish Chickens:
http://groups.msn.com/PolishChickens/yourwebpage5.msnw (dead link)

Rosecomb Website:

Dutch Bantam Website:
http://www.dutchbantamclub.com/articles.html (dead link)

The Bantam Roost:

http://groups.msn.com/SPPA/ (dead link)

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-----Chicken Genome Websites-----

ARKdb Chicken genetics database:
http://iowa.thearkdb.org/browser?species=chicken&objtype=locus (dead link)

Chicken Genome Resources:

Chicken Genome (Entrez Genomes website):


-----Poultry Genetics Nomenclature-----

Nomenclature to be used in poultry genome publications and databases:

ArkDB-Notes on Nomenclature:
http://iowa.thearkdb.org/nomenclature.html (dead link)

Dr Wilmer & Dr Hollander:


-----Genetics Theory (not on poultry)-----

Avian Genetics - BirdTracker website:

Biology glossary website. Often helps with genetics terms:

Table of Contents, on biology information:

-with the following on genetics:

The following is a good website on genetics theory in general (not on poultry).
It is an online genetics course, with course material/lectures:




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